

Trans4mtech network security solutions are built into every network we design or update. There is no room for error when it comes to the continued protection of your data. That’s why we apply world leading security solutions to ensure the safety of your network.

1 Next Generation Firewalls

Next generation firewalls take your protection one step further

Next generation firewalls are able to filter packets based on applications. They have much greater control and visibility over your applications and use sophisticated analysis and signature matching.

These advanced firewalls deliver unparalleled insights into real time and historical user data. You get excellent visibility over all your network and security activities. Your administrators gain fine-grained control over all your applications and are able to see in exquisite detail which are being used and who is using them. This detailed information allows you to enforce strict acceptable use policies by application, application sub-function and category.

You are also able to use next generation firewalls to clearly identify malware. When questionable traffic enters your system, the firewall tools will allow, block or log it for you. How it does so is based on type, your defined protocols, security threats and the user or group.

With an advanced next gen firewall in place, you’re protected at all times. Breaches are automatically blocked so your business can consistently deliver a fantastic service to your end users. With automated policy application, your security is ensured while freeing up administrator’s time for other high priority tasks.

2 Endpoint Security

Administration & health checks for streamlined protection

Trans4mtech work with world leading vendors of network security solutions to be able to deliver the most advanced protection for our clients. These trusted solutions are continually advancing in response to changing threat networks to deliver the very best defence for sensitive data.

Sophisticated endpoint security solutions stop endpoint attacks before they begin. Even in a complex, changing threat landscape, powerful technology uses a single endpoint detection and response (EDR) agent to secure your system.

Using machine learning and AI from information gathered at the endpoint, as well as from cloud and network data, your team can move quickly on any potential threat. Administrators are able to automatically detect and respond to all kinds of threats, from known issues to more sophisticated unknown attacks.

Continually developing endpoint security solutions successfully block malware and ransomware and provide protection based on behaviour. Advanced attacks often use many legitimate applications and processes to enter systems, but with our recommended solutions in place, even these malicious behaviours are correlated and prevented.

In an increasingly dynamic infrastructure, you need to have a coordinated endpoint security strategy across both network and cloud infrastructures. Interconnectivity between network, endpoint and cloud increases your security posture with layered prevention.

These integrated systems make protection available to all connected next generation firewalls and endpoints within minutes of a threat being detected. This happens automatically and requires no action from your administrators, ensuring the very best protection no matter what time a threat emerges.


Defend against identity related breaches

​Secure identity providers utilise behaviour analysis informed by machine learning and risk analysis to deliver advanced identity authentication. IdP integrates with a range of directories and data stores to make managing secure identities simple.

Where the risk is greatest, you’re able to add strict authentication requirements. Any accounts that are likely to attract attackers are subject to detailed checks to ensure the continued security of your system. They gather details on device, location, IP address, account type, and behaviour to allow only trusted identities to access your sensitive information.

IdP realms can also be configured with other distinct directories. These can point to specific identity management tools as well as use logging functions to develop diverse access abilities for specific users or groups of users.

Each time an authentication event occurs, it is automatically logged and audited. During these reviews, any suspicious activity and debug errors are highlighted for further analysis. Your administrators can then review and download this information to support the continued security of your systems.

Trusted customers are also able to make modifications to their identities using your secure IdP. These changes are then applied to their directory and shared through their environment to keep information secure.

4 URL Filtering and Anti-Malware

Block malicious destinations before a connection is even established

The way we work is changing as technologies advance. Your employees no longer have to access the VPN to work, they can use cloud applications instead. These applications need to be protected to ensure the continued security of your systems.

Using cloud based security solutions, you benefit from multiple security functions in one simple package. Not only is this the most cost effective way to deliver reliable protection, tools continually learn from ongoing internet activities. They capture and understand the relationships between malware, domains, IPs and networks right across the internet to better protect your sensitive information.

Advanced URL filtering and anti-malware solutions can automatically detect attacker infrastructure that’s been staged for current and emerging threats to your system. By identifying the threat before it’s had chance to fully manifest, you can stop it in its tracks. You are able to prevent phishing, malware and ransomware attacks before they begin.

You also benefit from advanced visibility over all your devices, ports and cloud services. These reports are managed from a centralised system to make it easy for you to analyse and protect your business from anywhere.

5Email Security

Stop phishing, malware, spam and ransomware

Be confident in your email defence to detect attachment malware and malicious links with our security tools. We work with industry leading vendors of email security technology to ensure we can always deliver the best protection for your business email accounts.

The email tools we recommend deliver the most cutting edge security measures. Advanced phishing protection blocks fraudulent senders using continually updating threat intelligence. Combined with domain protection, phishing campaigns will be unable to enter your system, extinguishing the threat before it even appears.

You’ll also be able to trust user identities before you grant them email access. Using clever verification tools and a multifactor authentication, you add another layer of defence against phishing attacks on your business emails. It’s simple to use and won’t negatively impact your trustworthy users.

In addition, our email security tools are able to enhance the protection delivered through Office 365. Not only will you get comprehensive security strategy for your incoming emails, your outgoing email is also secure. With robust protection against data loss and encryption capabilities, you can be sure your sensitive data is secure and compliant with legal regulations.

6 DDoS

Get continually updating DDoS protection

Luckily, as hackers adapt, so do our DDoS protection solutions. Flow Communications offer precise, fully automated, scalable protection through our trusted security vendors. There are a number of different solutions available that we can offer to support your continued security.

One of the biggest concerns for DDoS protection is to ensure the availability of your services to legitimate users. Your security needs to allow users to seamlessly access your services while ensuring any dangerous traffic is unable to cause harm.

Zero day automated protection uses machine learning powered automation to recognise DDoS attacks. When a threat is identified, mitigation filters will automatically activate without the need for advanced configurations or manual intervention. This ensures rapid protection in real time to secure your business.

Your administrators are able to create and manage countermeasures from a centralised system. They’ll also be able to see valuable information including geolocation tracking and live virtualisation to further inform defensive action.

DDoS threat intelligence is regularly updated. Every 15 minutes, the intelligence feed updates with valuable information to support the ongoing protection of your systems. This evolving security matches the changing threat landscape and allows the tools to recognise and block malicious traffic.

7 Web Proxy

Domain protection without interrupted service or added latency

​Our web proxy solutions allow you and your employees to browse with confidence. Each time someone in your system clicks a link, cloud proxy tools initiate a DNS request. Using DNS, safe domains are routed as usual and your users can continue with their session. Any domains that are identified as risky or malicious are diverted for further inspection.

This deep inspection relies on the most cutting edge security software and research. This information is continually fed into security tools to continually advance your protection. You’re also able to create a list of custom URLs that must always be blocked based on your acceptable use policies.

Additionally, our web proxy solutions do not cause issues with localised web content like Office 365. As this doesn’t host any malware, it isn’t considered risky and is therefore not intercepted by web proxy tools without the need for a burdensome proxy exception.

Operating in this way means you benefit from web proxy protection without experiencing latency in your systems. As not all traffic needs to be intercepted to ensure continued protection, users won’t experience any broken connections. Plus, these solutions are built on micro services technology so are scalable to handle changing volumes of traffic.


Stop unauthorised access with network admission control

With complete network access control, you are able to manage exactly who is able to access your network. You can ensure that their devices are fully compliant with your policies and gain detailed reports about user access. NAC solutions are easy to deploy and deliver a comprehensive suite of security solutions for your network. You’ll benefit from in and out of band deployment options and bandwidth and traffic filtering control tools too. Ongoing monitoring of network access addresses vulnerabilities on user machines as well as automatically tracking, repairing and updating access devices. Non-compliant machines will be isolated from the network until they have been brought in-line with your policies. This can be done without the need for intervention by your network administrators.

You no longer are required to configure policies through the network on individual devices. This can all be centrally managed by NAC solutions. Automated remediation supports seamless single sign-on and guest users are able to access the network using secure clientless web authentication.

9 SSL Inspection

Decryption to find suspicious content and malware

Our SSL inspection solutions give you visibility into encrypted traffic without slowing down your performance. Using advanced tools, traffic must pass through a secure decrypt zone where devices can detect threat and malware attacks in the unencrypted traffic. Once detected, any threats can be securely handled before they impact your operations.

Multi-layered security means that all traffic is inspected multiple times but only decrypted once. This allows you to benefit from comprehensive security without slowing down your service. SSL inspection tools are able to integrate with other security platforms to further enhance your layers of defence.

Once the decrypted content has been assessed to ensure it contains nothing threatening to your system, it is re-encrypted. It can then move through to its destination and causes no damage to your valuable data.

Inspection solutions also help you remain compliant with privacy standards. You are able to use them to ensure continued GDPR compliance as well as to block access to specific web categories. Not only does this enhance your security profile, it also helps to keep your employees productive.


Defend your data from event triggered security threats

SEIM software continually monitors actions within your system and identifies any activity that could be malicious. It looks at things like login attempts, both successful and failed, as well as any malware activities. If something in your system raises security concerns, SEIM solutions alert your administrators to the potential problem. Using pre-defined rules, these alerts come through as high or low priority, to prevent, for example, genuine accidental failed logins from raising security concerns.

SIEM solutions collect event logs from a wide range of applications and devices, giving you holistic security protection. It generates reports from your whole system, including your hosts, applications, firewalls and antivirus filters. The advanced software is continually evolving its correlation rules to bring you the most up to date security solutions.

Your administrators and architects are able to easily monitor and rapidly respond to suspicious activity before it becomes damaging to your systems. From a centralised platform, they are able to monitor live performance and security status across networks and endpoints in your cloud and on premise equipment.

11 WAN Encryption

Protect data in motion with secure WAN encryption

Encrypting data in transit can cause a variety of problems, so it isn’t the best solution to help protect your data while in motion. Instead, we’re able to facilitate the masked encryption of the payload only, rather than the entire network packet.

Our solutions enable the continued visibility over your network while data is in transit too. This occurs independently from applications and without the demand to move, replace and disrupt any network infrastructure. We also help protect data that’s entering your network, as well as content that’s moving internally and externally. When encrypted traffic enters your network, it is decrypted before it reaches its final destination. The content is then inspected by sophisticated tools to ensure it contains nothing malicious. Once deemed safe, it is re-encrypted and allowed through. Anything suspicious is flagged and sent for more in-depth analysis.

12 End to End Encryption

Secure and retain visibility over your data in motion

With standard IPsec encryption, you lose visibility of data in layers 3 and 4. But, with advanced end to end encryption solutions, network visibility is maintained, ensuring the continued security of data in motion. Network administrators are able to retain their visibility over the encrypted payload. At all points of the transfer, the content can be monitored and assessed to ensure no malicious activity can intervene and threaten the security of your network.

Using our secure end to end encryption solutions also requires minimal changes to network configurations. You won’t notice an impact on your performance when you choose to further secure your data with our solutions. Our solutions for your data encryption expertly manage data traffic to reduce packet loss and support the transference of your critical information. Control and management of your network resources is made simple too, by setting priorities for specific types of network data.

13 Device Compliance

Simplified management of complex, multi-vendor compliance

Trans4mtech works alongside your employees to understand exactly how you work and what your priorities are. This allows us to protect your most important assets first and ensure everyone in your business is working to maintain excellent security protocols.

As you grow and develop as a business and technology evolves, your network becomes more susceptible to non-compliance, and is therefore more at risk. More devices are added to your network and you’ll extend further into the cloud, so you need to uphold proper device compliance to ensure your continued protection.

There are a number of ways that Trans4mtech assists businesses with their continued device compliance. We offer consistent network monitoring which alerts us immediately if an issue arises in your network. Proactive network monitoring also provides invaluable information to ensure your compliance and security.

We also offer thorough documentation and visibility of all your network processes. This flow of information enables you, and us, to document and view your security measures and policies. These can then be updated regularly to meet changing best practice and include new technologies and advice.

Our teams can also help you with automation, to reduce human error and streamline complex administrative processes to advance your security. Staying on top of updates and making sure networks are correctly configured can be time consuming, but with automated tools and managed services, it’s much easier and more cost effective to stay up-to-date.


The security of your business is non-negotiable. You must have a dependable security system in place that’s regularly updated as new technologies emerge. We offer a complete suite of security solutions that make use of machine learning and AI technologies to continually offer the most cutting edge protection for your valuable data. Our expert teams work alongside yours to consistently meet industry regulations and enhance your security throughout your entire business infrastructure.

If you are interested in learning how you can advance your business security and ensure you’ve always got the most contemporary security solutions in place, please get in touch.